Hello. May I speak with Mrs. Gottlieb?
This is she.
Hi. This is the school nurse at Ben’s school. Is this a good time?
Oh, sure. How can I help you?
Well, Ben was in the office today, and I noticed that he has a large bald patch on the side of his head. Are you aware of this, Mrs. Gottlieb?
Why, yes, I am. It would be hard to miss, don’t you think?
Well, that’s true, Mrs. Gottlieb. However, I wanted to call to discuss this with you, as this is a very serious issue.
Well, thank you for taking the time to call me. I assure you, we are working on this problem.
Mrs. Gottlieb, I wanted to let you know that this is called trichotillomania. This is a medical condition that drives people to pull out their hair.
Yes, ma’am. I am aware of the condition seeing as how my son has it.
Okay. Well, I just wanted to make sure that you knew he has a bald spot. Also, I noticed he was actually eating his hair. This is also a symptom of trichotillomania.
Yes, ma’am. We are aware of the fact that Ben eats his hair after he pulls it out. He also likes to nibble on the skin from his fingers and toes.
Oh, my. His toes? I saw him picking at his fingers. Trichotillomania sufferers often pick at their skin, as well.
Yes, I know. It is apparently all tied up with his OCD.
Well, I did want to let you know that I sent some information to his regular classroom teacher, his PE teacher, and his music teacher about trichotillomania. I explained to them that this is a medical condition and not something he is doing to be stubborn, or to be a distraction in the classroom.
Thank you. I appreciate that. Yes, it is irritating when children get so stubborn that they pull their own hair out and eat it, isn’t it? It’s a good thing they won’t think Ben is just being stubborn.
I thought so. I wouldn’t want him to get into trouble for eating his hair in class.
Yes, that would be a shame.
Yes. I thought so. So anyway, like I said, I just wanted to make sure that you know that Ben has been pulling his hair out and eating it. Okay....have a great day!
You too. Thanks again for calling.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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