Ben is pulling his hair out again.
He has this huge bald spot over his left ear. I know this sounds alarming, but honestly, we got over the alarm part a while back. Now, we just sort of look at him and say, "Oh, another bald spot." He is truly a weird kid.
Today at dinner, we were having chicken nuggets. He reached up, yanked out a piece of hair, popped it in his mouth, and said, "Yum." No kidding. He may have even dipped it in BBQ sauce.
Yesterday, we were watching TV when Kim yelled out, "Oooo...stop that! Gross!" I looked over to see Ben pulling boogers out of his nose and eating them. I said, "Ben! Don't do that! Go spit that out!" He looked at me with innocent eyes, and said, "Too late." Popcorn? Ben don't need no stinkin' popcorn! Popcorn is for wimps!
Tonight, when he went to bed, I went to tuck him in. He was obviously chewing on something. The interchange went something like this:
Ben, what is in your mouth?
Ben, don't lie. I know you have something in your mouth. What are you eating?
Benjamin! What are you chewing on?
"It's just skin."
"Skin. From my toes."
"Don't worry, Mom. It's just meat."
Like I said, he is a REALLY weird kid. Look on the bright side: We'll save a fortune on the grocery bill.
Of course, now I'm wondering what was in that snack mix he made for me at school last week...
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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