My purse has disappeared.
It was here yesterday. I gave all of the kiddos their allowance while sitting on my bed. My purse was HERE.
Right after that, Mike took four kids to the camper. They cannot be the guilty parties.
Josh was in his bedroom, didn't even get allowance because he hasn't done any chores, and he wouldn't have taken it anyway. Josh is not the culprit.
Rhiana got her money. Granted, she asked for more money because she was going to Chicago today, but when she was given an opportunity to earn more money, she decided not to take it. Although a few years ago, I would have automatically thought it was her, thankfully, we are beyond that. She is not the culprit.
Maybe Sophie? Hmmm....although she does have an extraordinary sense of fashion for a dog, since the purse is heavier than she is, I'm thinking not....
Baxter? Nah. The only thing he would want to do with the purse is use it for a scratching post.
Paulie? Well, considering he's stuck in his birdcage, it makes it highly unlikely that he would have absconded with it....even if he *could* lift it.
Who does that leave? Let me think.... Thinking.... Thinking....
Well, really, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who is left, does it? Anybody want to say it with me? Benjamin!!!!!!
I refuse to obsess about it at this point. Hopefully, it is somewhere in the house.
So how am I handling this?
Well, I called a friend of mine (with Ben in earshot) and told her what a shame it was that my purse is missing. I pointed out to her how sad it was that without that purse, our plans for the day have to change.
Without the money in that purse, I will not be able to take Ben to the movies today. Awww.....such a shame.
Without the money in that purse, I will not be able to go to the store to buy a birthday present for Ben's friend today. I'll have to call the little boy's mom to let her know why Ben won't be able to be at the birthday party this afternoon. So sad.
Without the money in that purse, lunch at McDonald's is definitely out. Bummer. And I was really looking forward to lunch out with Ben. *sigh*
Man....what a bummer.
You know what we *can* do without a purse?
We can clean the house. We can do laundry. We can sweep, and vacuum, and scrub the toilets.
We can go through Ben's clothes to pull out the ones that are too small now. We can pack up the winter clothes and unpack the summer clothes.
We can make tuna for lunch. I *love* tuna. I don't think Ben is real fond of it though.
Hmmm.....I wonder where that purse could have gotten to? Maybe it's a magical purse and it walked away on it's own? You think?
We shall see how long it takes for the purse to magically appear again. In the meantime, I will enjoy my time here with my wonderful little boy. I would much rather spend the day here at home with Ben anyway.
With the price of gas these days, maybe I have just discovered a new way of saving some money....
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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