Me: Ben, where did you put the key?
Ben: I don't have they key.
Me: Ben, I need the key.
Ben: I don't have the key.
Me: Benjamin. I NEED that key. Where did you put it?
Ben: I don't have it.
Me: Of course you don't. Where is it?
Ben: What?
Me: Ben!
Ben: What?
Me: The key!!!
Ben: I don't have the key.
Me: Ben, go downstairs and get the key.
Ben leaves. Comes back.
Ben: I had to go pee.
Me: Where is the key?
Ben: Huh?
Me: Ben, I'm getting tired of this. What did you do with the key?
Ben: I didn't do anything with the key.
Me: Ben.
Ben: Wait... What?
Me: Ben.
Ben: I don't have the key.
Me: Ben.
Ben: I wasn't playing with the key.
Me: Ben.
Ben: It wasn't me.
Me: Ben.
Ben: Huh?
Me: The key. Now.
Ben: Uh...
Me: NOW.
Ben leaves. Comes back.
Me: The key?
Ben: Huh?
Ben: I don't have it.
Ben: Oh, the key?
Me: The key.
Ben: The gold key?
Me: BEN!!!
Ben: Oh, that. It's on the sink.
Me: Will you PLEASE go get it and bring it to me?
Ben leaves. Comes back.
Ben: This key?
Holds up missing key.
Me: Thank you. Please don't take things that don't belong to you.
Ben: Huh?
Me: The key, Ben. You shouldn't take things that don't belong to you.
Ben: Oh. Um...I don't have the key.
Me: *sigh* Good night, Ben.
Ben: Night, Mom.
I turn to leave.
Ben: Mom?
Me: Yes, Ben?
Ben: If you don't need that key, can I have it?
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ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago